Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Top 5 Red Lipsticks From the Drugstore! Top 5 Red Lipsticks From the Drugstore!

I LOVE red lipstick! Bright lips in general, it looks great on any skin tone. I like it on me because as I am so pale it packs a punch! POW! I hope you enjoy the video these are some of my favorite drugstore reds. If you guys want to see high end ones let me know! Xoxoxxoo Larai-Lulu-Cnova
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bra Collection Bra Collection

Hey Everyone! I hope you enjoy this. So many people ask about my bra collection and I finally got it up. Who doesn't like colorful bras that give you some vava voom cleavage! I hope your week is going wonderfully, until next time!

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Friday, June 20, 2014

About Me About Me


Welcome to my Blog. My name is Larai, let me tell you a little about myself so you get to know me better.

So first off I'm trilingual, I speak English DUH:-) French and Spanish. Which in short means I'm always tongue twisted and nothing ever comes out right. I'd say my mother tongue is "Spafrelish"

I've played Violin since I was 5 but I haven't practiced in a long time so give me a few weeks before I play 
for you. I love my music, I love sing and I'm getting my EP together to put it up on Itunes. I Love acting as well and I have been on TV before done a few things in the past but now I'm focused on pushing my own project out. That doesn't mean I'm not open to new opportunities though gotta keep the gates open!

I love my animals and helping animals, if I could I'd have a house with dogs and cats in the back yard that need a home because no one will take them in. In fact I sponser two lovely cats, named Bloo and Sasha.

I have a passion for Fashion, there is nothing like feeling good about what you're wearing. Whether it's a pair of baggy jeans with a casual shirt and some vans or walking out of your house in that slinky high GLAM "I'm sexy and I know it" look!

I LOVE beauty products, those that create and accentuate the best of YOU and the skincare that goes behind it, because your skin is an organ and it does need tender loving care. TLC people!

With that said another main area in my life is Fitness and Diet, it  is very important for the body and mind. It's something I love and I always think about. Besides the fact that at a young age I've already had back surgery. Meaning I know the body is a sensitive thing that you need to take care of because it's the only one you have. Life flies by but it's still a long journey so you want to feel good during that journey.

All and all I'm just a girl in this world trying to live my life to the fullest, enjoy time with my family, friends, loved ones and fur babies. Within that time, I try to travel to places I don't know because this world is big and it has to be seen! I wish that for all of you who read my blog. Thanks for being a part of my world. I hope you enjoy and I hope you DO know me better now!

Besos, Bisous, Kisses
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